Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Counter Signal
21 min readSep 11, 2024


From Israeli and Saudi spies, insider trading, a TV show episode, to a group of foreign artists working inside the Twin Towers, there was a surprising amount of insiders with advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

Our intelligence agencies claimed incompetence, and politicians faked surprise. They contradicted themselves without worry, knowing that the average American is too naïve to even see that. That naïvety is the foundation of our corrupt political system.

Your elected officials claimed:

“Nobody in our government, at least, and I don’t think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings” — George W Bush [1]

“There were no warning signs that I’m aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country.” — Robert Mueller, FBI Director [2]

But they lied to you. Bush had received intelligence that al-Qaeda might hijack a plane, and the FBI was aware that they were taking flight lessons. However those warnings went ignored. [3]

To directly counter Bush’s statements, the prior government was informed in 1998 of a plan by al-Qaeda to hijack a plane. The use of planes as weapons was already a threat, since the 1995 foiling of the Bojinka Plot. Which should be known history to any honest counter-terrorism unit. [2] [20]

Even the 1999 Columbine High School shooters had a back up plan to hijack and crash a plane in NYC. [4]

The CIA actually warned Bush and the public multiple times the same year that “a group presently in the United States was planning a terrorist operation” (5/1/2001), “Bin Ladin Attacks May Be Imminent” (6/23/2001), and that the “Threat of Impending al Qaeda Attack to Continue Indefinitely” (8/3/2001). But despite these statements, the CIA itself actively protected the hijackers from a criminal probe that could’ve gotten them arrested before the attacks (more on this later). [5][6][21]

But for the officials in the George W Bush administration, 9/11 provided the pretext their already pre-planned “War on Terror” needed in order to make them and their friends richer. Years earlier, under the think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC), members of the Bush administration wrote about their dreams of taking over Iraq, and acquiring a strong grip over the middle east. The argument was that the only way the American public would support a war was by experiencing “a new Pearl Harbor”. In other words, the attacks were overseen by the US government to make way for a profitable war. [7][49]

Military Intel and Simulations

Asymmetrical Threats Division of Joint Forces Intelligence Command (JFIC)

JFIC also known as DO5, a part of the Department of Defense (DOD), conducted extensive intelligence gathering on al-Qaeda leading up to 9/11. As per documents, they concluded in 2000, that “the World Trade centers # 1 and # 2 were the most likely buildings to be attacked in the U,S., followed closely by the Pentagon”. And that planes could be used for such an attack. [12][13]

In a meeting with various intelligence and military high-ranking officials before 9/11, their data was dismissed as unimportant. This intel was later withheld from the 9/11 Investigative Commission and covered up by the DOD, all while officials faked being surprised by the attacks. [12]

Able Danger

This was a secret military intelligence program under the watch of Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer and Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA), that gathered intel on al-Qaeda. They made a statement to the House, saying that they had identified the 9/11 hijackers before the attacks, but were blocked from getting the FBI involved:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise because information has come to my attention over the past several months that is very disturbing. I have learned that, in fact, one of our Federal agencies had, in fact, identified the major New York cell of Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11; and I have learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September 2000, that Federal agency actually was prepared to bring the FBI in and prepared to work with the FBI to take down the cell that Mohamed Atta was involved in in New York City, along with two of the other terrorists. I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that when that recommendation was discussed within that Federal agency, the lawyers in the administration at that time said, you cannot pursue contact with the FBI against that cell. Mohamed Atta is in the U.S. on a green card, and we are fearful of the fallout from the Waco incident. So we did not allow that Federal agency to proceed.” [36]

The 9/11 Commission requested information on Able Danger from the DOD, but according to the Commission, nothing regarding hijacker Mohamed Atta or the hijackers was provided to them. [37]

Military Simulations

On October of 2000, the Pentagon ran a “contingency exercise” code named Pentagon Mascal, to prepare in case of an emergency “scenario of having a plane hit the Pentagon”. [38]

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), ran another simulation on April 2001, where the Pentagon became incapacitated. One of their planners proposed a plane hitting it, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff deemed it as “too unrealistic”. [39]

On the morning of September 11, the National Reconnaissance Office, which operates US reconnaissance satellites, had planned a simulation of a plane coming out of the Washington Dulles International Airport and crashing into a building. By the way, that’s the same airport where Flight 77 flew from and crashed into the Pentagon that same day. [40][41]

NORAD’s Global Guardian and Vigilant Guardian military war games were conducted the same day as the September 11 attacks. While the whitewashing 9/11 Commission labeled them as just “Cold War exercises”, participants said that it was actually a plane hijacking scenario. As the exercises went on at the same time as the attacks, the participants such as Lt. Col. Dwane Deskins were notified of the real hijackings but thought they were “part of the exercise”, causing confusion. This likely was done to slow down interference with the 9/11 false flag operation. [42]

Intelligence Failure, or Corruption?

The FBI, CIA and Saudi Intel

Two of the hijackers officially recruited into a CIA/Saudi operation

After the events of September 11, the US government created the “9/11 Commission” to investigate the so-called “security failures” that led to the attacks pulled off by a mastermind allegedly living inside a cave (that’s your official story Americans). In 2004 they released their “9/11 Commission Report” on their limited findings — limited because they admitted that they were only allowed access to some information. [8][9]

On July 2001 an FBI agent in Phoenix sent a memo to FBI HQ informing them of al-Qaeda members taking aviation classes, but the memo was left unread until after September 11. The memo was addressed and ignored by the Usama Bin Ladin unit and the Radical Fundamentalist unit. [10]

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, an FBI agent was attempting to track hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar, and upon asking the CIA about him, she was threatened and ordered not to share intel with FBI superiors. Fast forward 22 years later, and it‘s revealed that al-Mihdhar, along with another hijacker, Nawaf al-Hazmi, were actually recruits for a joint CIA/Saudi operation, and were given US Visas (all which the 9/11 Commission failed to discover). This was the real reason the CIA’s Alec Station unit refused the intel to be shared about the individuals or their whereabouts. [10][6]

The CIA went as far as to prevent a criminal probe so there could be no arrest, by opening up an “intelligence investigation” to block search efforts. They even attempted to confuse al-Hazmi’s identity with someone else. The CIA went out of its way to protect its recruits. [6]

On the Saudi intelligence’s end, the hijacker’s handler was Omar al-Bayoumi, who “at the behest” of the CIA was to provide support to them. This included co-signing their lease, opening their bank accounts, and taking them to flight lessons — which the CIA was aware of. [6]

To add insult to injury, the two hijackers were also renting a room in the house of a FBI informant. His name was Abdusatta Shaikh, of Saudi origin, and Robert Mueller’s FBI prevented him from speaking publicly despite a congressional subpoena. Shaikh was then hidden in an undisclosed location. [6][11][14]

Ahmad Shah Massoud of the Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance

Massoud was the leader of a force fighting the Taliban for control of Afghanistan. He came upon intelligence of an attack on US soil from al-Qaeda, and sent the information to the CIA — who dismissed the warnings. Two days before 9/11, he died in a bomb blast perpetrated by 2 al-Qaeda operatives posing as journalists. Seems like he was not supposed to be in the know of the CIA/Saudi operation, and had to be silenced. [22]

Saudi Arabia

Bandar “Bush” bin Sultan (Far left) financed the CIA recruits/hijackers. He is also a personal friend of the Bush family.

As mentioned before, the CIA was working a joint operation with Saudi Arabian intelligence that involved at least two of the hijackers being handled by Saudi spy Omar al-Bayoumi — who happened to be on the payroll of the Saudi embassy. The money came from ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and was sent to the “charity” of Princess Haifa al-Fasal, who acted as the middle-woman. She wrote large checks to spy al-Bayoumi who then used the money to support the hijackers involved in the CIA/Saudi joint operation. [14][15][16]

This information came from the elusive “28 missing pages”, that the Bush administration covered up for years, largely to protect Prince “Bandar Bush” who is a very close and personal friend of the Bush dynasty. [15]

Israeli Military and Intel

The 5 “Dancing Israelis”

“Our purpose was to document the event” — Oded Ellner, “Dancing Israeli”, speaking on Israeli TV show about his arrest by NYPD on 9/11. [17]

The Israelis will be getting their own article, so I will summarize this.

First, the Mossad was reported to have personally warned the CIA about an imminent “large scale target” attack by al-Qaeda, and even gave them a list of names that included at least 4 of the hijackers. But the CIA officially claims that this was “utter nonsense”, and the warning was not given, or that it was too vague. Both parties are known liars, so pick your poison. [23]

But did you know that around 60 Israelis were detained during, and shortly after 9/11? Some were detained under the Patriot anti-terrorism law and others because of immigration violations (although most in both groups were here illegally). Investigators reported that “a handful of active Israeli military were among those detained”, with most failing polygraphs when asked about surveillance activities within the US. Investigators also say that the Israelis “may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advanced, and not shared it”, and added “how could they NOT have known?” considering the large amount of intelligence gathering the Israelis did, including on al-Qaeda members within the US. [19]

Among the detained were the 5 individuals known as the “Dancing Israelis”, who were spotted by a tenant at Doric Tower apartment complex photographing and dancing in celebration of the attacks on the towers. The police were called and arrested the Israelis, as they crossed the George Washington Bridge in their Urban Moving Systems company van. In short, the Israelis contradicted each other’s stories, and were held in detention for approximately 3 months, before being returned to Israel. [18][24]

One fact that most in the so-called “independent media” fail to reveal however, is that the FBI and police documents mention that their explosives unit had to be called in. Their dogs sniffed “explosive residue” inside their van, and samples were collected for analysis. This makes them suspects in regards to the controlled-demolition theory, which explains the very even and controlled structural collapse of the 3 towers. [18]

I’ll add that some of the detained Israelis “stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units”. [19]

That same year before the attacks, approximately 140 Israelis had been rounded-up due to spying. This included the infamous “Israeli art students”, who had surveillance on government individuals and facilities. [19]

Insider Money Makers, and Other Thieves

Insider Trading

“It’s absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan to the US to North America to Europe.” — ABC News [25][26]

After the event, an international investigation by Germany, Japan, Switzerland, France, the United States and other countries, began to look into “highly suspicious trading”. However, despite there being “almost irrefutable proof of insider trading” (German central bank statement), no indictments were ever made. The reason wasn’t that the individuals were thoroughly investigated and cleared beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt of any wrong doing. The faulty reasoning was that since they were not connected with al-Qaeda, there could be no way they had foreknowledge. [25]

But from what we know now, at least the Israelis, Saudis, and US military, intelligence and other government officials knew of the 9/11 attacks beforehand. You can add to that pile the investors outside of government with connections to government insiders. So the official story falls flat on its face, and the reasoning that only al-Qaeda could’ve known is not only inaccurate, but a lie. The phony investigation into insider trading was concluded on either false assumption by ignorant agents, or as a cover up.

An example of this is how the “highly suspicious trading” on American Airlines was traced back to “a single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda”. But did he have ties to the Saudis, or Israel, or a US government insider? This was not looked into because those investigating were running with the fallacious official narrative. [25]

That statement made by investigators is also a bit misleading about suspicious trading on American Airlines, as it ignores the trading connected to other financial vehicles connected to the same company, which multiplies the number of investors. [25]

The one in question here was an unnamed customer of Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown (DBAB), who was behind a 2,500 contract order, which was split into chunks of 500, and then distributed to multiple exchanges across the country. [25][27]

Interestingly DBAB can be connected to the Bush family, through its financing of The Carlyle Group and Brown Brothers Harriman — companies directly related to the Bush dynasty. DBAB itself had been managed by AB Krongard,who left the company in 1998 to go on and become Executive Director of the CIA before 9/11. [25][27]

Some stocks with the highest trade volume above average were: (NOTE: these listed are not all flagged stocks) [25]

UAL (285x above average)

Marsh (93x)

AMR (60x)

Citigroup (45x)

Other stocks that were flagged were reinsurance firms and defense companies, placing at 2x above average, days before the attacks. [25]

Interestingly, the insiders even knew the companies who’s planes would be destroyed (UAL and AA), and which towers would be hit and brought down. Marsh for example, was located inside the north tower, and Salomon Smith Barney occupied most of the floors in building 7 — which was never hit by a plane, and is the centerpiece of the controlled-demolition theory. To make matters worse, both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were on Marsh’s advisory board until January 2001. [25]

Billions worth of Treasury bonds were also traded before 9/11. [28]

A further review of the investigation, by the 9/11 Commission, found that some of those briefly “investigated”, actually had connections to al-Qaeda and US intelligence. Which brings up the question: why were those connected to al-Qaeda protected? Was it because it could bring down the other more “upstanding members of society” with them? [25]

One such case was the 56,000 Stratsec shares purchased by Stratsec director Wirt D Walker III (a child of a CIA agent) and his wife, that earned them around $50,000. Stratsec was a security contractor for the WTC and the Dulles Airport, both compromised by the attacks. The FBI wrongly concluded that they were not suspicious due to lack of connection with al-Qaeda, but in reality Stratsec had been doing business with Mansoor Ijaz who was in contact with Bin Laden. [25]

Other flagged companies such as Wellington Management and Viisage Technologies (facial recognition), had direct ties with Bin Laden, but were protected as well. Likely because they also had ties with US intelligence. [25]

In most cases the suspects were not even interviewed, with the FBI just concluding that they had no connections to al-Qaeda, ignoring connections to other groups with foreknowledge of the attacks.[25]

Studies have been done confirming insider trading, if you want to read further go here:

“Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001“

“Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets”

“Was there Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the September 11 Attacks?

Recovered Hard Drives

Various press releases mentioned damaged hard drives being recovered from the WTC. While the 9/11 Commission claimed no hard drives were recovered, the reality is that there were, and a German data recovery company called Convar was given the task. [25]

An employee testified: “there is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million. They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed”. [25]

Gold and Diamond Heist

Joseph Trombino and colleagues were conducting their routine drop off in the underground parking garage of the North Tower before 8:46am, the time Flight 11 crashed into that same building. $14 million in cash was delivered to Bank of Nova Scotia guards to be taken into a vault. After the plane crashed into the tower, his colleagues were evacuated, but Trombino stayed in his truck parked 100 feet from the exit. [29][30]

He didn’t leave his truck until 10:28am, an hour and a half after Flight 175 had hit the South Tower (9:03am), and died in the North Tower’s collapse. Trombino did make several calls to his employer Brinks, and a police dispatcher who warned him to get out of there, but apparently he ignored them. The reason for this is unknown, although some speculate he was not aware his colleagues had been evacuated and was waiting for them. The body was allegedly found near the water fountains between the towers, but the family says that different locations had been given to them. [29][31][32][33]

3 months after the attacks, the truck was found buried under the rubble. Since the back of the truck was still locked, recovery workers had to use a circular saw to gain access inside. But $250,000 in diamonds and $750,000 in negotiable bonds were missing. Someone with the tools to open the lock got access to the bonds and diamonds, but Trombino never mentioned anything in any of his calls as far his employer and family have made public. Were these thieves also involved in the $100 million transactions found in the hard drives that US law enforcement turned a blind eye to? [29][34]

Recovery workers also found millions of dollars worth of gold bullion abandoned in a tunnel under the WTC. Alongside the gold was a 10-wheeler that was to be used to transport the gold away from the underground vaults during the attacks. No bodies were found in the vicinity, which points to the thieves giving up and escaping as the situation got worse. [35]

The amount of gold left behind was so much, that 2 trucks were used to recover it from the tunnel a month later. Nobody was ever identified in this case, and nobody claimed the gold and 10 wheeler. Whoever was behind this were opportunists who had advanced knowledge of the attacks, including knowledge that the towers would be brought down, and used the event to cover up their heist. [35]

Steganography or “Soft Disclosure”

The Lone Gunmen TV Pilot

A good example of steganography, or hiding data inside other data.

On March 4 2001, 6 months before the September 11 attacks, the pilot episode for the short-lived series called “The Lone Gunmen” aired on Fox. The show was a spin-off series of Chris Carter’s The X-Files, with the pilot including Carter, Vince Gilligan, Frank Spotnitz and John Shiban as writers. [43]

“The Lone Gunmen investigate the suspicious death of Byers’ father, a top tier government agent, and discover a top secret plan for a false flag operation to crash a plane into the World Trade Center.” — IMDB [43]

Not just that, but the conspiracy within the show involved an anti-American terrorist group taking credit, so that the US could use it as a pretext to start a war-for-profit in the middle east. This is almost a mirror image of what occurred in the real world 6 months later. [44]

But how did the show writers hit the target so accurately? Perhaps a Mossad, CIA or FBI agent threw out an “idea” to them? Or did the show’s own Executive Producer and former Israeli super spy, Arnon Milchan, have anything to do with it? [45][46]

Out of the 4 writers credit for the pilot, only Frank Spotnitz is connected to the US military via his Jewish father, who was a US Army doctor. Spotnitz also worked for the Associated Press, which put him in direct connection with intelligence agents. But it is likely that the most high-level spy he’s worked with was Arnon Milchan, who also happens to be a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. [47][48]


Gelitin’s temporary balcony on Tower #1

One of the most bizarre examples of foreknowledge and steganography is connected to a group of artists known as Gelitin. I will warn that there is lots of disinformation and bad research about them online. For example, they’re not Israeli, but Austrian. [50]

But now, lets discuss the facts.

Gelitin removed a window from the 91st floor from Tower #1, to build a temporary balcony. Pictures were then taken from a distance of said balcony. They denied its existence at first to cause confusion, but later pictures from inside the building were published of the balcony. [50]

“The contemporary art world, of course, is rife with acts of subversion followed by boasting, which is known as ‘’documentation.’’ In that context, the beauty of the balcony was that it so literally pushed the envelope. Yet since that Sunday morning in March 2000, when the balcony was allegedly installed and, 19 minutes later, dismantled, the affair has taken on the outlines of an urban myth, mutated by rumors and denials among the downtown cognoscenti. “ [50]

As someone who is in no way part of the “art world”, the whole ordeal seems to be a snobby artist’s waste of time. But what if this was merely a distraction for something else going on? And who were the “14 other artists”?

“In the spring of 2000, Gelatin and 14 other artists shared free studio space on the 91st floor, where the group’s artmaking appeared to consist of building a clubhouse out of cardboard boxes. “ [50]

Does this really look like a “clubhouse out of cardboard boxes”? The theory is that the boxes labeled the BB18 fuse holders that could be used to plant explosives inside the building.

“Still, how did a balcony escape the notice of one of the most security-conscious office towers in the world? An examination of the security system revealed that it was focused on the ground floor and basement, Mr. Janka said, adding, ‘’There’s no surveillance on the facade itself.’’” [50]

Perhaps this was in reality an intelligence gathering operation which included testing out the security of the towers?

From Gelitin’s book The B-Thing. This map of the tower looks more like it’s part of an intelligence gathering operation than an art project. The notations are interesting, particularly “Trojan Box with B inside”. Was The B-Thing a reference to the BB18 fuses?

Most interestingly, their work at the WTC resulted in a very badly drawn art book called “The B-Thing” released in July of 2001. The book was released in limited quantities and prices range from $700-$9500 depending on the edition and condition. [50][51]

“And then the surgical intervention in the World Trade Center in New York City. Everything top secret and illegal of course. In days of conspiratorial work, somewhere on the 148th floor and using building site refuse they had tediously smuggled into the building under their pullovers, they constructed a functioning load-bearing balcony (…) They kept very mum about it all, because if word had crept out about their coup they could have been fined very heavily for sabotaging a national treasure. “ — Tex Rubinowitz (Book’s author, not an official Gelitin member. Last name is Jewish in origin.) [51]

From the screenshots found online, the book offers very little artistic merit, unless you add in the personal experience from the members of the group — which to a reader amounts to nothing more than a fun Reddit post.

The drawings, which could’ve been done by any child in elementary school, are littered with notations that bring up more questions than answers. But one thing is consistent — the artists were obsessed with people having a “bad time” inside the towers, and jumping off the buildings in panic.

Notations are very shady. “Depression inside, amazement outside” with arrows pointing at the tower and people jumping from it. “Diamonds”, “popular suicide height”, “hidden military action”. “Crimson red — the act was a crime against corporate law”.

One of the possible theories is that the “14 other artists” c could’ve been Israeli explosives experts, possibly connected to the 140-man “Israeli art student” spy ring detained later.


Odigo Messenger Warning

Odigo was an early social networking app used for instant messaging. Two workers in an Odigo office in Tel Aviv Israel received anonymous threatening messages, ending with an anti-Semitic slur, warning of a terrorist attack on September 11. The workers did not inform their bosses until after the attacks. [53]

An Odigo office was also located in NYC near the WTC, but apparently no workers there receive any messages. The FBI was notified but nothing has been publicized about the case. [53]

Susan Lindauer

Former US Congressional staffer Susan Lindauer claims that she and other intelligence colleagues of hers were notified of the attacks before they occurred. Richard Carl Fuisz, physicist with deep intelligence connections, also warned her against flying to New York as early as August of that year.[60]

Professor of Computer Science Parke Godfrey testified in court that he was warned by Lindauer of a terrorist attack in Manhattan, possibly involving a plane. [61]

Willie Lewis Brown Jr.

The then San Francisco Mayor, canceled his flight on September 11 after being warned by his security. He tries to downplay it however, and claims there was no insider knowledge. [62]

Larry Silverstein

Two months before the attacks, Silverstein Properties signed a 99-year lease acquiring the WTC complex. Other included in the lease were GMAC Commercial Mortgage (General Motors), Westfield America Inc, and investor Lloyd Goldman. The insurance, as it is common, covered terrorism.[54]

After the attacks he took the insurance company to court and got a payout of $4.55 billion. Recovering the $3.2 billion cost of the WTC. [54][55]

Regarding the known intelligence connections of Silverstein; He was aided by Ronald Lauder, a “driving force” in Silverstein’s acquisition of the WTC. Lauder at the time was a US Ambassador to Austria. In turn this adds some support to the view that the Austrian art group Gelitin, was in cahoots with Israeli intelligence when they worked inside the WTC. [56]

Lauder is a member of the “Mega Group”, the team of Israeli billionaires that were behind the Jeffrey Epstein black mailing operation. One way Lauder aided Epstein was by giving him a fake Austrian passport with a fake name. [56][57]

The day of the attacks, Silverstein coincidentally had a dermatologist appointment which saved his life. [55]

That same day Silverstein Properties was also scheduled to have a meeting on “ what to do in the event of a terrorist attack”, but was canceled as one member could not attend.[59]

One of his famous quotes from a news report on 9/11: “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it”. Many suspect that this indicates that he gave orders to bring down the towers. [58]



































[34] William Keegan Jr. with Bart Davis, Closure, pp. 148–149.








[42] ‘Ruppert, Michael C. (2004). Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil. New Society Publishers.





















