The Columbine Conspiracy Part 1

Counter Signal
22 min readFeb 15, 2024


The 1999 Columbine school shooting is perhaps the most pivotal mass shooting tragedy in US history, greatly empowering the anti-gun lobby’s political ambitions. After all, mass shootings in other countries had already proven to be effective in disarming populations as they provide a very strong rhetorical argument. But a further review of the Columbine event brings about questions regarding the honesty of its investigation.

  • Why were 3–6 attackers reported and even named by hundreds of witnesses, but still free?
  • Why was the Trench Coat Mafia, the group which Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were said to be part of, never investigated?
  • Why did law enforcement commanders prevent early rescue, stop a sharpshooter from killing Klebold, and waited so long to do anything?
  • Why did two police Sergeants privately refer to Eric Harris as “the Sheriff’s guy”?

Not everyone in the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office agrees with the official story. As County Sheriff John Stone told the AP, “I’ve never thought it was just two [suspects] because of the amount of stuff that was brought in. But we don’t have enough to charge anyone’’. [3][4][5]

900 Rounds Fired

As per the official story, then-students Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris carried out a mass shooting inside Columbine High School, that ended with 15 dead (including the two known shooters) and 27 wounded. Officially there were only 2 shooters who killed themselves after the massacre despite the large number of reports of 3–6 shooters. [15]

Time Magazine reported that “an estimated 900 rounds” of ammunition were fired with semi-automatic weapons, in addition to more than 90 bombs — including a 20lb propane bomb placed in the cafeteria that nobody noticed. [3][6]

The County Sheriff’s office reported 853 ballistics collected from the scene. According to Stone and others, this points to more than two suspects. The current official narrative has the numbers around 200 rounds fired by the killers. [3][6]

While the police did fire back at the killers, it was only sporadically. In one instance the police provided cover fire during a SWAT rescue, but the number of bullets fired by police was 141 in total, and not significant enough to bring the ballistics collected to 853. Hence why Sheriff Stone didn’t change his mind about there being more than 2 shooters. [1][2][5][8]

Eric Harris (left) and Dylan Klebold were not the only attackers.

Witness Testimony of Other Accomplices

Various witnesses also reported seeing them in black masks. Eric Harris also wore a white shirt underneath his black trench coat, but the other individual with a white shirt (and no trench coat), is mentioned as a separate person.

“Several eyewitnesses told police and NEWSWEEK that they had seen a third gunman; at least two possible suspects have approached Denver lawyers about their role in the melee. Police sources expect further arrests this week.” [9]

Heather, Amber, and Shelly — Channel 9 News: “We saw three guys with guns…*pause*…and then we saw a really tall guy in a black trench coat.” [3]

Stefanie Haney — Police Interview: “Haney was walking out of the cafeteria doors and noticed three people walking into the school through nearby doors. “Haney further told me that she did see and greet Harris and Klebold who were entering those doors at that time. Both Harris an Klebold were wearing their ‘trenchcoats’ with their hands in their pockets.

She knows both Harris and Klebold from school and described Harris as having shorter hair than Klebold who’s [sic] hair is fairly long over the ears and collar length. She cold not say what type of pants or footwear they had on. At that time neither had anything on their heads. Haney also described a third male walking with Harris and Klebold. The white male looked older than a high school student and she did not recognize him from any of the four years she had attended CHS.

The unknown male was about the same height as Harris, his hair was dark and kind of bowl cut and shaved on the sides. He was wearing a white ‘T’ or ‘V’necked shirt (like a man’s undershirt) with its sleeves rolled up once or twice”” [46][63]

Student Adam Foss — CNN: Foss: We were in the crossfire between the Science Hall and the Choir Room”.

CNN: “And you saw the guns opening fire, and did you get a quick glimpse of at least how many…?”
Foss: “I think three, three guys, and maybe twelve gauges, I think. I don’t know, maybe smaller guns.” [3]

2 Unnamed students — CNN and local TV news: “Another male student who said he was about 100 yards away from the shooters said there were three of them, including one fellow student he recognized and another boy dressed in white “throwing the bombs on top of the school — some kind of grenade or something.”
That account was supported by another student interviewed on local TV.”

Unnamed Student — Rocky Mountain News: “One student insisted that a third teen was part of the attack.
The student, whose mother asked that he not be identified, said he was in the parking lot and saw two people wearing trench coats — Harris and Klebold — and a third teen-ager in a white T-shirt.
“The kid in the white T-shirt, he threw what looked like a grenade on top of the school, and then he turned and kind of smiled at the other two guys,” the student said”.

Unnamed students, USA Today: “Beyond the two dead gunmen, students described seeing another youth dressed in a white shirt throwing bombs that looked like soda cans. A youth matching that description later was seen being led away by police”. (NOTE: This is the only mention of the “white shirt” being “led away by police”. To this day the individual has not been identified.) [3]

Construction Worker Roger Anderson “[At] about 10:40 a.m. Tuesday — 40 minutes before the gunfire erupted — he saw an older-model black BMW carrying four teen-agers about a block from the school. The driver made a U-turn and drove off, followed closely by a tan sedan carrying two more teen-agers. “It’s unusual to see four young kids in a BMW,” construction worker Roger Anderson said”. (NOTE: Dylan Klebold drove a black BMW to the school) [3]

Unnamed student, ABC News: “Then we looked up, then one of the gunmen turned towards us and started shooting, so we just fell down to the ground and we just sat there for a while and we turned our heads and once we knew they were done shooting we stood back up and saw the kid in the white on the side of the school start throwing some kind of bomb on the top of the school. It was a grenade or some kind of bomb.” [3]

Makai Hall — CNN: “People have asked me not to discuss some things. And some things I don’t feel people should know”. The same student, who was injured by a bullet to the knee, said he “thought (Klebold) was an all-right guy … decent, real smart. He wasn’t the kind of person he’s being portrayed as,”. (NOTE: A number of different students have said this about them) [17]

Jake Apodaca — AP: “At first we thought it was fireworks, then we saw them shooting. He saw us and then he started shooting at us. Then a guy in a white T-shirt threw two hand grenades on the roof.” [11]

Richard Olejniczak (Father) — Police interview: “The girls said they had seen two guys in the cafeteria, wearing all black. There were also two guys who entered the main door from the parking lot. One was in black, the other in white. The girls said they all had guns.” [45]

Seth Dubois — Police Interview: “…Seth told Katherine(Carlston) that Robert Perry was seen shooting a girl in the back while leaving the library.” (NOTE: 10 other students also mentioned Robert Perry by name.) [37]

Chris Wisher — AP: “Some 4 1/2-hours later, police led away a student from the school in handcuffs.``He’s one of the ones who shot at us,’’ said Chris Wisher, another student. Police had no immediate comment.” (NOTE: The handcuffed teen was Chris Morris, wearing a black shirt.) [12]

Sheriff John Stone — AP: “We had three names, we’ve got two bodies that belong to two of those names up there, and the third name — that person was not in the school,” [3]

“We had initial people there right away, but we couldn’t get in. We were way outgunned”. [55]

“It’s kind of hard to go blazing into a school when you’ve got more than you can carry. It could be a third, it could be four, five, it could be six, it could be numerous” [3]

“They [The gunmen] shot the hell out of the administration office, but apparently there was no one in there.” (NOTE: The official narrative does not address this specific office at all) [1][2][21]

“I’ve said all along there were more people involved and nothing has changed my thinking” [30]

Kim Sander (mother of student) — KUSA TV: “Kim Sander: “She looked up and saw a gunman in a black trench coat with a very huge gun in front of him…. He had dark brown hair, thick, bushy eyebrows and was very ugly. She said he was a white male. …”
News Anchor: “Kim, did your daughter say if the gunman that she saw was a student at the school?”
Kim Sander: “She didn’t recognize him as a student. No. Not as a student.” (Note: Neither Klebold or Harris had “bushy eyebrows” or “dark brown hair”)[3]

Colorado governor Bill Owens — Channel 9 News: “[Owens] toured Columbine High School and “emerged saying investigators were all but certain that the two gunmen had help from others. Police said security cameras may provide crucial evidence of a conspiracy. ‘There are backpacks with bombs in there everywhere,’ Gov. Bill Owens said. ‘The officers in there are convinced there had to be more people involved. There’s just too much stuff in there.’” [3]

District Attorney Dave Thomas: “I think there is some evidence to suggest that other people were at least aware of what was going on and, as the sheriff (John Stone) indicated earlier, there are an awful lot of devices and this took a lot of time”. (NOTE: 90 home made bombs and a 20lb home made propane bomb were found at the school) [15][16]

Sheriff Department Spokesman Steve Davis: “We feel like there’s an extremely good chance that there are more than two people involved”. “It’s a feeling from our investigators that the chances are very, very good that we have more than two people involved”. [3][18]

“Davis said three deputies exchanged gunfire with the suspects, including deputy Neil Gardner, assigned as security at the school, who remained inside during the ordeal. The other two deputies, Deputy Paul Smoker and Lt. Terry Manwaring, exchanged gunfire with one of the suspects when he appeared on the roof of the school.” [3]

Unnamed Student — Sandusky Register: (On a student suspected of carrying duffel bags with explosives into the school) “We cannot tell anyone who it is,” the student said. “They don’t know where he is”. “He left before [the shooting] even happened”. (NOTE: Sheriff Stone suspected Brooks Brown) [19]

Police — The Denver Rocky Mountain News: “Officers were told there could be as many as six killers.” [3]

“Other reports merely heightened the confusion. There were reports of anywhere from two to six gunmen, on the roof, in the cafeteria, the main hallway, hiding above a room where ceiling tiles had been removed. [27]

Cathy Clark — CNN: “This girl came up screaming … like, ‘Someone’s got a gun.’ She said get under the table. So everyone got under the table,” said Clark. “These two guys came up and they were shooting randomly — there was bombing, I guess, downstairs and people were screaming.” (NOTE: Harris and Klebold can only be at one place at once, so was someone bombing the cafeteria while other 2 where upstairs in the library?) [10]

Lacey Smith — Police Interview: “On the diagram she depicts (Redacted) as walking in through the doors, past where she was sitting, and going in about as far as they north end of the school store. It was at that time she heard the windows breaking and then realized she was hearing shots. “….she did not have any trouble indentifying PERRY when he walked past her. I asked SMITH how sure she was that the person she saw and spoke with was (Redacted). I asked, “90 percent sure? 50 percent sure?” Her response was “100 percent sure.” I then showed SMITH a photo lineup which included a picture of Dylan KLEBOLD, and asked her if the person who walked past her was in the lineup. She stated he was NOT in the lineup. …..As (Redacted) passed her and was near the commons area of the cafeteria, she then explained that (Redacted) pulled a weapon out from under his trench coat and started firing into the cafeteria.” [39]

Ashley Egelund — Police Interview: “Ashley was in north corridor when she observed (Redacted) and Eric Harris coming around the corner from the library…. She said Chris Morris was armed with a handgun while Harris was armed with a shotgun. [5248] ….both started shooting at Ashley…. Ashley did not know (Redacted) at first but she saw his picture in the yearbook and is positive it was (Redacted)” [46]

David Eagle — Police Interview: “The guy with the gun had black hair looked like it was spiked shaved on the sides.(sic) It was also blond on top. 5'9”, about 18 years old. “He has since seen pictures of Harris and Klebold on television. …David said that the person he saw did not look like the people he’s seen on television.” [49]

And there is literally hundreds of additional testimony of more than 2 attackers found in police witness documents at the following citation, which is a very large trove of documents. [46]

Alleged Accomplices

The Trench Coat Mafia

“They like to say they are bi-sexual, and are proud of it. They practice Satanic rituals, I believe, and walk around the school in black clothing, usually in a trench coat. They’re clearly a gang. They don’t move for people in the hall. They’re not courteous to anybody.” [3]

Both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris joined this ‘gang’ 2 years before the shooting. It was formed by their fellow student Joe Stair. However Stair claims that they were not part of it, and only close friends with Chris Morris who was part of the gang. But it is known that Klebold and Harris worked with a number of them at Blackjack Pizza. The gang had at least 1 more school shooter, Thomas Solomon, who associated himself with the group. [3]

The same day of the shooting, the morning announcements were telecast to every classroom. An unknown student relayed the message “I BET YOU WISH YOU WEREN’T HERE TODAY — 4–20, 4–20, 4–20”, and another was broadcast that said “today is not going to be a good day”. Who posted the messages, it’s not known, but various students belonging to the Trench Coat Mafia had been involved in the video production class. The group was also known for recording themselves pretending to shoot up the school. [13]

The TCM guys were not keeping quiet online, and were making their plans public on AOL with statements like the one from “LCaress”: “Preparin’ for the big april [sic] 20!! You’ll all be sorry that day!”. [14]

Michael Shoels, the father of student and victim Isaiah Shoels, says that two white teens dressed in trench coats stood outside his home in a threatening manner after the shooting. Shoels was known to have pressured to have the autopsy records of Isaiah released, but was being blocked by a judge on behalf of a group of parents. Shoels had also sued Harris’ and Klebold’s parents for $250 million. Who were these individuals stalking on behalf of?[31]

On May 20th 1999, just a month after Columbine, another Trench Coat Mafia member Thomas J. Solomon, Jr., was involved in the Heritage High School shooting in Conyers, GA. The shooter was reportedly on Ritalin, and possibly other antidepressant (like the Columbine shooters). Dr. Eddie Regnier said that Solomon “heard voices telling him to do strange things, but they were robotic voices, not human voices”. Solomon served 17 out of his 20 year sentence due to “rehabilitation”. [3][25]

Chris Morris

A member of the Trench Coat Mafia, and present during the shooting, he was arrested and hand cuffed at gun point near the east entrance of the school, then put inside a black Sedan. He named Klebold and Harris to police and told them that Klebold’s BMW was rigged with a bomb, proving foreknowledge. [3][32][48]

While being led away by police in handcuffs, a student by the name of Chris Wisher shouted: `He’s one of the ones who shot at us,’. However Morris was cleared after aiding police with inside information, although publicly he lied about not having known about the attacks beforehand. He told police that he was ditching school at his friend’s house playing video games. [12][33][48]

Morris also worked at Blackjack Pizza with Klebold and Harris. Students Ashley Egelund, and Daphne Baca also named him as a possible suspect along with Robert Perry. [33][35]

Robert Perry

Accused by at least 11 separate students who said Perry threw bombs and also partook in the shooting. However some of them were demonstrably pressured to change their story later on, and made to say that it was Klebold.

The following positively identified Perry, by name and physical description:

Daphne Baca [35]

Crystal Archuleta [36]

Wade Allen Frank [36]

Lacey Hohn [36]

Bijen Monty [36]

Tessa Nelson [36]

Seth Dubois [37]

Bryan Frye [38]

Courtney Haulman [38]

Lacey Smith [39]

Brenton Hooker [40]

Perry was a drop out, and was described by witnesses as tall and having “bad acne”. Perry also worked with Klebold, Harris, Dykeman and Morris at Blackjack Pizza. [35][36][37][38]

Older Man


Jennifer Smull reported seeing a “25–30 year old” man, who she believed at first to be a cop but was participating alongside Dylan Klebold and holding a sawed-off shotgun. Her interview is also an example of the police pressuring witnesses on the idea that there were only 2 shooters. Like telling her that the description matched Eric Harris, when it obviously did not as you can see from the sketch. [50]

Smull described him as:

“Natural strawberry blonde

buzz cut hair, chizzled face, high cheek bones, wide forehead & neck

Muscular 5'11"-6'

oval face

small upper lip

Narrow nose

Sm eyebrows”[50]

The police pressure led her mother Nancy Smull to say that “she has concerns if the sheriff’s office is giving her truthful information”. The investigator concluded that “Nancy and Jennifer were questioning the credibility of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office”. [50]

Both also told the interviewer that they believed their home phones were being tapped, saying that they hear constant beeping while on a call. They also complained of recently receiving high numbers of hang-up calls, sometimes multiple times a day. I’ll add that consistent beeping and clicking, can actually be a sign of a phone line being tapped. [50][51]

Redacted Names

Police interviews show a large number of blacked-out names of suspects named by witnesses. [46]

One of the more interesting interviews comes from Trench Coat Mafia member Pat McDuffee, who names 5 names who actively participated in the attack, and another 5 individuals who he says helped with planning and providing the weapons. You can see his written testimony on page 174 on the following cited document. [47]

‘Splatter Punks’

The three teenagers said they heard about the shooting over the radio and showed up near the school to take a look. The teens, all dressed in punk-rock skinhead garb were quickly detained, and the police said that they mentioned the names of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold before they had been released to the public. So the teens knew of the attack beforehand. [3][21]

According to Sheriff John Stone the three who called themselves the “Splatter Punks”, had previously been associated with the Trench Coat Mafia and one had been expelled from Columbine High School. Stone believed that they were the ones who “shot the hell out of the administration office”, that has never been officially attributed to anyone at all. The administration building has been buried in the official story. [1][2][21]

Testing did not find evidence of gun residue on them. They were re-interviewed 4 days later and ultimately cleared of involvement. [2][3]

Jim Washington and Ron Hartman

Both sold weapons to Harris and Klebold, and both were former career feds. According to FBI documents, Washington was a “Senior Investigative and Security Specialist with the Defense Security Service (DSS)” for 17 years, with a total of 26 years working for the US government. [34]

Washington lived near and sold firearms at gun shows with Ron Hartman, who did 20 years split between the Army, Navy and Air Force (Sheep-dipping?). He then became a “civilian employee of the United States Government”, mainly at Defense Logistics Agency in Ogden, Utah. But claims he was unemployed at the time. [34]

They sold the double barrel shotgun to Robyn Anderson who was Klebold’s girlfriend, and of legal age to buy the weapon. [34]

Philip Joseph Duran

Worked with Klebold and Harris at Blackjack Pizza, which was basically the Trench Coat Mafia’s headquarters. He introduced them to Mark Edward Manes who sold them a TEC-9. [29]

Mark Edward Manes and Handgun Control

A 22 year old, that sold a TEC-9 to the shooters after meeting them at a gun show, and even went shooting with them. He was arrested for selling the gun to minors, but proclaimed his innocence and lack of foreknowledge. [3]

The TEC-9 however, has a pretty incoherent paper trail that might point to it being fake. [46][64]

An interesting fact about Manes, is that his mother Diann Manes is “a long time member of the anti-handgun group Handgun Control”. Handgun Control (now ‘Brady’) is one of the NRA’s “leading opponents”, and conveniently “reports that members and contributions have surged”. [65][66]

Brooks Brown

When Harris and Klebold arrived at the school, they quickly found Brown within the first couple of minutes and Harris told him to leave because he liked him. Strangely Harris had a website that included death threats against Brown himself, and had been reported to police before the shooting. [1]

“I believe Mr. Brown knows a lot more than he has been willing to share with us”, said Sheriff Stone in regards to who might have helped the shooters carry the duffel bags inside the school. Perhaps the website threatening Brown was used to cover his involvement? [23]

Tamara Rumer told police that she has seen Brown before at a residence in Sedalia, listed for Ronald and Jerri Edlund. According to Rumer, Brown was visiting a Ronald who was an “older male”, who also happened to be a delivery driver for Blackjack Pizza. Their address and phone number is in the documents. [69]

The Harris Hit List

Eric Harris compiled a ‘hit list’ of around 15 names — but none of them were killed. The list included Brooks Brown who was told by Harris to leave the school before the shooting.

According to spokesman Steve Davis “There’s been a lot of speculation that it included all athletes or minorities. It doesn’t. There’s quite a spectrum there”. The “shit list” is fully redacted in police documents. [3][46]

Scott Fuselier

The son of Dwayne Fuselier, the FBI Special Agent in charge of the investigation. [3][24]

Scott was a student at Columbine in 1997, and made a film of a gun fight in the school, between a trench coat wearing “good guy”, and a “bad guy” character that eventually blows up the school with a laser. [24]

Scott called it a “comedy” and parody of action films. He also says that he did not know of any Trench Coat Mafia during his years there. His younger brother Brian, a student at Columbine at the time, was present during the shooting. [24]

Dwayne Fuselier

The father of Scott Fuselier, and FBI agent in charge of the Columbine investigation. [24]

Fuselier was formerly part of the FBI’s elite Crisis Management Unit, and also known as the main negotiator during the Freeman standoff in Montana. [3]

Rooftop Worker

Original picture source [44], zoomed in picture source [70]

“[Spokesman Steve] Davis said three deputies exchanged gunfire with the suspects […] The other two deputies, Deputy Paul Smoker and Lt. Terry Manwaring, exchanged gunfire with one of the suspects when he appeared on the roof of the school.” [3]

As per the official story, the still unidentified individual worked for a still unidentified heating and air conditioning company. He was on the rooftop to “fix a leak above the girl’s locker room”, and used vice grips to clamp the roof access hatch. The most important thing to know about him however, is that a picture shows him wearing a ski mask. Now why would someone fixing a leak put on a mask? [1]

Mark Taylor, a student victim who was shot around 7 times, said that the man on the roof was armed. [71]

There is also the rumor that .223 shell casings were found on the roof, but there is no official documentation of this that’s public. The claim comes from a fireman called Phillip Tkacz on the old CRTF website. He says that photo evidence was shown in a training class. [3]

Law Enforcement

A dispatch conversation between Sgt. Baldwin, and Sgt. Rich Millsapps shows them referring to Eric Harris as “the sheriff’s guy”, a term that is used to refer to their informants. [58][59]

Baldwin: “Just so you know, Rich, while you’re driving down there, our suspect — he’s supposed to still be in the school shooting people. He’s wearing… he’s an 18-year-old wearing all black. Uh, that’s all we have at this time.”

Millsapps: “Is this the sheriff’s guy?”

Baldwin: “Yes.”

Millsapps: “Okay.”

Baldwin: “Okay.” [58]

Conversation can be heard on citation. [60] The police department told Denver’s 7News that “no one is going to comment on this”. [58]

Before the attacks, the police had “at least 15 contacts” with Klebold and Harris. While most involved vandalism, the parents of Brooks Brown told police that Harris made an online “hit list” with their son’s name on it. A warrant was drafted but never executed. [56]

According to a grand jury appointed to investigate why the warrant was not executed, 3 days after the attack “Jefferson county officials and law enforcement” held a meeting on how they would answer questions regarding it. They decided that there was not enough evidence to issue the warrant but agreed on not disclosing the existence of it. [57]

The warrant was deleted a couple of months after the shooting from a computer, which prevented the grand jury on deciding if there was enough for it to be issued. Lt. Kiekbusch who was put in charge of the Columbine shooting investigation, was the one who also ordered the warrant to be deleted. Had the warrant gone through, a raid would’ve found the bombs and weapons later used in the shooting. [57]

All Lt. Kiekbusch did was deny any knowledge of the files, and he was cleared by the supposed investigators. [57]

The police and SWAT were heavily criticized after the attack, mainly due to lack of action during the shooting. For example police took more than 40 minutes to go into the school, and SWAT took hours just to rescue a wounded teacher. [1][41][42]

Lawsuits came in numbers from the parents.

The Jefferson County Sheriff and school district were both sued by the family of Daniel Rohrbough, accusing SWAT of killing him when he tried to flee from the school. Sgt. Dan O’Shea privately admitted to the school’s administrator Celine Marquez that he feared he shot an innocent student. The trajectory of the bullet also matched O’Shea’s location relative to Rohrbough. But the SWAT member was cleared. [53][54]

Denver Physician William Deagle told this to the CRTF website:

“I could talk to you about the details behind the fact that the Jefferson County sheriffs threatened my firefighters — I’m a doctor for the Englewood Fire Department — [they threatened] the battalion chief and ladder man with deadly violence if they tried to rescue Mr. [Dave] Sanders. They were told if they tried to enter the building they would be shot.

“One of the janitors that actually rammed a tractor into the building and pulled out some students was threatened with deadly force if he went back again by Jefferson County sheriffs.

“Did you know there were twenty-six federal and state agencies at Columbine? There were BATF in the building. I have three children’s accounts — three — that were shot, that I personally interviewed, that said [the BATF] were shooting children. There were Denver SWAT teams inside the building at the time of the shooting that didn’t engage them.

“I had firefighters crying in my office telling me how they arrived in eight minutes and were willing to go in without a kevlar flak jacket and helmet and were told, ‘If you go in, we’ll shoot you.’” [3]

The police were also sued by a number of parents who accused them of ordering paramedics to stay outside for hours; preventing a sharpshooter from killing Klebold when he had a clear shot; telling every law-enforcement personnel to exit the school and stand down. It really does seem like the police commanders wanted the “sheriff’s guy” to continue his rampage. [67][68]

John DeCamp later claimed that Deputy Walsh raped Klebold and Harris after they were arrested for trying to break into a van in 1998. However there is no strong evidence for this. [61][62]

Surveillance Tape

The single surveillance footage in the cafeteria did not show any more shooters than Klebold and Harris. But it did make an immediate trip to the FBI in Quantico, Virginia for “enhancement”, meaning that it was “doctored” before given back to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department. Could other accomplices been cut out? Regardless, anyone that knew of the single fixed cafeteria camera, could’ve avoided it.









































































