The Columbine Conspiracy Part 2: The Aftermath
The school reopened on August 1999 to “a flurry of fanfare and celebration”. “We Are… Columbine” t-shirts were given out, but some victim parents such as Brian Rohrbough saw it as distasteful: “They left out all the victims. They left out all the injured kids. They were thrown under the carpet. That’s how they’re treating it”. [1]
The Jefferson County School Superintendent Jane Hammond also came under criticism for saying that they would need $50 million to repair the school, but in the end it took $1.2 million to rebuild it, although without a new library. [2]
The Gun Control Hustle
“Handgun Control Inc., one of [the NRA’s] leading opponents, also reports that members and contributions have surged.” [6]
As noted in Part 1, Mark Manes was the son of long-time Handgun Control member Diann Manes. Mark sold the TEC-9 to the shooters and also went to practice shooting with them. [7]
Perhaps the biggest political benefactors were the anti-gun non-governmental organizations (NGOs), whose influence and donations grew from the tragedy. The 2000 elections were also conveniently right around the corner, which meant that gun-control would be a hot topic. Although they did not explode into popularity overnight, the movement itself has kept a steady growth for the past 20 years. [3]
After Columbine, Amendment 22 passed for Colorado, closing the “gun show loophole” that would allow people to purchase guns at shows without a background check — a measure that wouldn’t have stopped Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, considering that 3 of the 4 weapons used were bought by Klebold’s girlfriend Robyn Anderson. In other words, Amendment 22 only affects the rights of the average citizen. [4]
“Within a week, President Clinton introduced legislation banning private weapons sales at gun shows. Colorado legislators promptly shelved bills to grant more concealed-weapons permits and overrule Denver’s assault weapons ban. The U.S. Senate, in a dramatic turnabout, voted to reject Clinton’s gun-show bill, then passed it two days later after a public outcry. “
Prior to the shooting, Colorado was to vote on legislation that would have allowed anyone in any county get a Concealed Carry Permit. [1]
Wellington Webb, the Mayor of Denver at the time, flip-flopped from getting elected with the help of pro-gun group money, to lobbying for tougher gun laws. This gave the Democratic Party another wedge-issue to bait in more voters. [1]
Michael Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine”, also served as propaganda to further aid the anti-gun agenda and promote the false official narrative.
Prescription Drugs
5 days before the shooting, the Marine Corps rejected Eric Harris due to his Luvox prescription. The anti-depressant that is commonly used for patients with OCD. Traces were found in his body. [9][10]
On Dylan Klebold’s end, no traces of drug or alcohol were found. But Misty Hall, a student friend of his’, claims that he was put on Prozac after his parents separated a few years before. [10][28]
Luvox was taken off the US market in 2002. Serious side effects include Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension, Serotonin Syndrome, suicide, and impulsive violent behavior. Like most antidepressants, Luvox had never been approved for anyone under the age of 25, but psychiatrists still prescribed it to them anyway. [11][12][13]
Luvox was later reformulated and put into the US market as Luvox CR in 2008. [11]
Lockheed Martin Town
At the time, defense industry giant Lockheed Martin, had more than 10,000 locals working for them, out of the 39,000 population. Lockheed Martin is not only in the business of war, but was also connected to the Jon-Benet Ramsey case through the company Access Graphics. [14]
Wayne Harris, the father of Eric Harris (aka “the Sheriff’s guy”), was also a pilot. The Harris family lived at the Air Force base in Plattsburgh New York, which happened to be near the Montauk Air Force base, known for radio-frequency mind control projects. [14][15][16]
The 9/11 Connection
“If by some wierd as s — t luck my and V survive and escape we will move to some island somewhere or maybe mexico, new zelend or some exotic place where americans cant get us. if there isnt such a place, then we will hijack a hell of a lot of bombs and crash a plane into NYC with us inside iring away as we go down” — Eric Harris’ 1998 journal entry. [27]
Coincidentally Wayne Harris, the father of Eric Harris, trained pilots for FlightSafety Services Corporation, the same company where 3 Saudi Arabian 9/11 hijackers were said to have taken classes from. [21][22]
Abdulaziz al-Omari — As per the official 911 story, he was the one who took over the piloting of Flight 11. But the FBI later changed the story to Mohamed Atta piloting the plane, as al-Omari was alive and well in Saudi Arabia, and the man pictured in the ‘Hijacker list’ was someone else. al-Omari claims that his passport was stolen in Denver Colorado, in 1995. The FBI issued a public apology. [22][23]
Mohand al-Shehri — Trained at FlightSafety, and is said to have helped hijack Flight 175. [22]
Saeed al-Ghamdi — The FBI listed his address at the FlightSafety school, and is said to have hijacked Flight 93. The real Saeed al-Ghamdi is also alive and well in Saudi Arabia. [22]
Another company involved was TriData, who “conducted a study for the Federal Emergency Management Agency on police and emergency medical response to the shootings at Columbine”. What is interesting is that TriData is a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation, who developed “the Flight Termination System (FTS), a fully redundant turnkey range safety and test system for remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles”. This is in regards to the theory that the planes used in the 911 false-flag were being remote controlled. [24][25][26]
Mark Taylor’s Story
One of the saddest Columbine survivor stories did not come at the hands of the shooters. Mark was able to survive 7 bullets, and years later he went on to become an anti-psychotropic drug activist blaming antidepressants for the shooting. He wrote a book titled “I Asked, God Answered”. [17][18]
In 2001 Mark sued the makers of Luvox, Solvay Pharmaceuticals. His first two attorneys (one being John DeCamp) wanted him to just settle the lawsuit, so he fired them. The third and last attorney ended up finally getting him to settle it in 2003, but after Solvay threatened Mark with jail and a counter-lawsuit. A gag order was placed on everyone involved. [20]
Interestingly, depositions by the Harris and Klebold families in this case were sealed until 2027. The Klebolds wanted them destroyed, or at least heavily redacted for some unknown reason. The Harris’ depositions were to be destroyed, but NARA deemed it illegal and had them sealed instead. Sue Klebold by the way, wrongly stated in her book that they wanted them public. [20]
In 2009, Mark was arrested in Colorado through an anonymous tip, and placed twice into mental hospitals against his will. There he was drugged without his consent for 6–8 weeks, and forced to continue the psychotropic drugs as an outpatient. He began having seizures due to the drugs and was hospitalized again between 2010 and 2011. As a result he ended up almost brain dead. [17][19]
Donna Taylor filed a complaint, but due to Mark’s debilitated state and issues with guardianship they were dismissed. [19]
The following citation shows a video interview with Mark Taylor and his mother Donna Taylor. Mark is in such a bad shape that he can’t answer basic questions and constantly blanks out. [17]
Donna Taylor Interview
Mark Taylor’s mother has been interviewed over the years, and has always had interesting things to say about the tragedy. Most of these are from the following interview on citation. [28]
- Mark said the ‘maintenance company man’ on the roof had a rifle.
- The cop that saved Mark after he was shot told them privately that he was ordered not to save anyone, but disobeyed the orders “because God told him he had to”.
- The FBI and police told them to not talk about the shooting. Also information they gave to police was not entered into the official records.
- A large amount of students did not show up to school that day. This could be backed by the amount of students coming out of the school after the shooting.
- The radio show American Freedom Network had a hospital worker call claiming that the hospital was warned of a shooting hours before. The call allegedly came from a government line. (If anyone has the audio, please email
- Mark and other survivors were forced to get their mail through psychiatrists who pressured for counseling and tried to put them on drugs. The mail was always opened for their “own protection”, by the counselor group known as the “Columbine Connection”.
- The Shoel family, who’s son was murdered in the shooting, moved out because they felt threatened by the Sheriff’s department. A friend of theirs was going to make a film about the shooting, but was murdered. The Shoels had been known for not believing the official story, and aggressively filing lawsuits. (More on them on the Part 1)
- Victoria Buckley, the Secretary of State for Colorado and a friend of the Shoels, also died mysteriously in the same year.
- A coach was allegedly sexually abusing kids.
- Donna knows of several police and firemen who quit their jobs due to being “disgusted with the corruption”.
- Government doctor Bill Deagle would visit their house a lot on his own and constantly pressure them with medication. He would also tell them about microchips he put under people’s skin, and was apparently interested in mind control. He had a bad reputation to the point that even her dentist warned her to stay away from Deagle.
- Deagle also had Donna’s daughter babysit his house without her knowledge. The daughter was told by Deagle that she could use the $200,000 he had in his drawer while babysitting. She speculates this could have been an attempt at blackmailing them if she stole a large portion of the money.
- A woman called Virginia Davis got into a business deal with the Taylors to sell the “10 Commandment Teddy Bears”, but instead she seemed to be trying to destroy them financially, and got between her and her husband. Donna feels that she was an agent sent to break up her family. (As noted earlier in the article, the Taylors were involved in various Columbine lawsuits)
- Student Misty Hall said that Klebold changed after being put on Prozac. His psychiatrist pressured him into the medication because his parents had separated.
- Mark Taylor’s dad did not go to the hospital until 3–4 hours later because he wanted to stay at work. He was a house cleaner for government officials, such as Senators.
Mystery Colorado Man
Not Your Typical School
As per the Taylors, drug use was rampant at Columbine without repercussion. Taylor also said that “all they do is watch TV all day long, they don’t even do any work in the classroom”, with MTV being the channel of choice. Taylor also said that a porn star was brought in to teach them about sex with a prop. [28]
“Death education” was a course at Columbine with the explicit intent to “prepare them for death”. Role playing one’s own death, visiting a mortuary, and other morbid activities were done for this class. ABC’s 20/20 actually put out a report on this found at the following citation. [29]
‘Copy Cat’ PsyOp
One of the major offsprings of the Columbine tragedy was the “Copy Cat” PsyOp — or the memefication of criminals and their activities to influence highly impressionable teenagers into emulating it.
“The letters were sent via U.S. mail…” While the letters were not released to the public, Dunaway said the basic intent of the letters was, “essentially that if you think your schools are safe, you’re mistaken.’’” [3]
Although some of those threats are likely not coming only from teenage psychopaths, but also organized groups of adults with a Gladio-like political agenda. An example would be that the writers of the threatening letters in the quote above were never revealed, nor the letters even shown (same penmanship), but they served their purpose: terrorism.
For a historically factual example, look at the US’ Operation Gladio in Europe. As admitted by the terrorists themselves to the BBC, the US paid fascists to carry out false flags against Italian civilians to promote what they call the “Strategy of Tension”. That is, to put enough tension on a population to make them trade their freedoms for more security, therefore building a police state right under their noses and with their manipulated consent. [32]
Also consider groups directly funded by the FBI such as the Tempel ov Blood, which has spawned killers, child abuse networks, and rapists. But most importantly is that individuals within these groups, just like with some school shooters, receive outside help to carry out their crime. [33]
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris have received the “serial killer fandom” treatment. Thanks to social media posts and video propaganda by undercover influencers, they have been lionized for the target demographic of mentally unhealthy teenagers, most who might be on antidepressant drugs that could make them violent. [34]