Trump, the Third Temple of Jerusalem, and Triggering the Armageddon
Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist? Some very influential and powerful Christian Zionists, Mormons and Jews believe so and support his presidency. Not because he could be it, but because he could, according to their beliefs, trigger the Battle of Armageddon. [1]
According to Zionist Christians, after the “church” is pulled into heaven during the Rapture, the final battle would involve Jesus destroying heretical armies with the power of His spoken word. [26][27]
Trump as the Modern Day Cyrus
“Trump in his generation, as Cyrus in his” — Ayelet Shaked, Israeli Justice Minister [1]
“Trump has the Cyrus anointing” — Lance Wallnau, Evangelical leader [4]
Certain Evangelicals and Jews have called Trump the new ‘King Cyrus the Great’ (aka King Cyrus II), comparing him to the man who ruled Persia between 550BC-529BC. [1][2]
In the Book of Isiah, Cyrus, or “Koresh”, liberated the Jews in Babylonia to rebuild the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Despite being Pagan, Cyrus was seen as a prophesied instrument of God. And although some Americans choose to believe that Trump is a God-fearing billionaire and politician, in reality he isn’t. [1][3]
“Cyrus the Great, a leader of the ancient Persian Empire, famously said that ‘freedom, dignity, and wealth together constitute the greatest happiness of humanity. If you bequeath all three to your people, their love for you will never die” — Donald Trump, 2017 Presidential Statement [5]
Political Moves
But Trump hasn’t just embraced the comparisons in word. Certain political actions have been done to further push this agenda, like declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and even opening a US embassy there. A move that had been urged by Congress since 1995, and the Senate in 2017 — which justified more land-grabbing hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians. [6]
Argentinian President Javier Milei is also planning on moving his embassy to Jerusalem, but has currently “frozen” that plan, and instead appointed his personal Chabad Rabbi as new ambassador. This shows that a network of Zionist world leaders are willing to support the agenda. [7]
Russian President Vladimir Putin, has also expressed his support for the creation of a Third Temple. It should come as no surprise, as Chabad and Jewish billionaires have influence in Russia. Chabad itself is an international Hasidic movement that networks with various global Zionist world leaders. [29][30]
Amit Halevi, a member of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, created a proposal to end Jordan’s custodianship over the Temple Mount. The plan would have Muslims control the southern part of the Al-Aqsa mosque, with the Jews controlling the north and central parts. The site is considered the 3rd holiest site in Islam. [28]
The Zionist Bible
In 1909, Zionist Cyrus I. Scofield published the Scofield Study Bible, which is an annotated King James Version Bible that seeks to “clarify” the meaning of its verses. The book takes a literal interpretation used today by Zionist Christians, also known as Dispensationalists, to further promote “God’s chosen people” (now the state of Israel) with a vital purpose during the End Times. The book was later revised in 1917 through Oxford University, and updated many subsequent times over the years. [23][24]
The book’s influence in American politics and religion can’t be overstated — this Bible version secretly shaped modern Right Wing Christianity right under America’s nose. A great chunk of the Republican Party has literally sworn allegiance to Israel and Zionism based on it. And this movement uses it to justify the unhinged land-grabbing and genocide in the Middle East perpetuated by Zionists and corporations who want their piece of the pie. [24]
Scofield on his end was a convicted charlatan and a born-again Christian, who also belonged to the exclusive society known as the “Lotos Club”. The group picked its own members, and Scofield was picked for a reason. His endeavor was aided by Jewish Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer, who along with others, used his money to shape divisive American politics for the Zionist cause. [24][25]
Christian End Times
According to Dispensational Evangelicals, or Zionist Christians, the Antichrist will likely come in the form of a political leader of a multi-national alliance. After a global war, he will erect the Third Temple and declare himself God and the Messiah. The Jews are God’s chosen people, but this would also be the end of them unless they convert. Ultimately a golden age will come with Jesus’ return to Jerusalem. [1][16]
“Then he (Antichrist) shall confirm a covenant (peace treaty) with many (Israel) for one week (seven years);
But in the middle of the week (after three-and-a-half years)
He (Antichrist) shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering (the Tribulation Temple sacrifices and offerings).
And on the wing of abominations (abomination of desolation) shall be one who makes desolate (Antichrist),
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.” [16]
The above Dispensational interpretation of Daniel 9:24–27 comes from the following citation. [16]
Some of the most influential Evangelicals who push this are Hal Lindsey, John Hagee and Tim LaHaye, among many other influencers. [17]
Tim LaHaye was a Baptist Evangelical Christian minister who is best known for masterminding the “Left Behind” book series, based around a literal interpretation of the Rapture. Interestingly, he also co-founded the Council for National Policy (CNP), which is arguably the most powerful think-tank and secret society of the American right-wing. [18]
Hal Lindsey, is a Theologian who wrote “The Great Late Planet Earth”, and a strong supporter of Zionism. He popularized the interpretation of the Antichrist as a political leader who triggers the End Times. [19]
John Hagee is a Televangelist and founder of Christians United for Israel. Although he doesn’t seem to support for hastening the End Times, he has made “predictions” similar to what Lindsey wrote, regarding a big global conflict ending with a peace treaty by the Antichrist and the Jews taking over the Temple Mount. Oh, and the “Antichrist” will be behind a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.
Hagee also famously said: “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel”. [20]
Jewish Groups
“When we can say the Temple Mount is ours and only ours and there isn’t room there for anyone else … then we can conquer not only the Temple Mount but Jordan, and Syria, too, and establish a real Jewish state over all the land of Israel.” — Rafael Morris, head of Khozrim La-Har [11]
The Temple Mount Jewish groups don’t believe that Armageddon will begin, and instead they seek to revive ancient theocratic laws and practices such as animal sacrifices (Korban) from Jerusalem. [1]
The more mainstream Orthodox Jews however, don’t agree with the Temple Mount groups, and believe that the Jewish Messiah must return before the Temple is rebuilt. But in regards to secular politics, taking total control over Jerusalem would further Israel’s expansionism in the Middle East. [1]
Certain extremist Jewish “Temple Mount groups” have been busy protesting Israeli politicians to raid and demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque, and replace it with the Third Temple. Some of these groups include Beyadenu, Khozrim La-Har, and various others with members inside the Israeli government. [10][11]
Billionaire Henry Swieca, founder of The Temple Institute is another influential player in this movement. Swieca founded Highbridge Capital alongside Glenn Dubin in 1992, which was later acquired by JP Morgan in 2004, and made Jeffrey Epstein $15 million. [12]
The Temple Institute is known for its funding of genetically modified Red Heifer to be used in rites, that involve the sacrifice and burning of a Kosher red Angus, so that the ashes can be used for purification and allow Jews full entry into what is still the Al-Aqsa mosque grounds. In times past, these sacrifices would be performed inside the Temple. [13][14][15]
A Texas Ranch owner and Christian Zionist, Byron Stinson has been instrumental in providing The ‘Third Temple Group’ with Red Heifers to be sacrificed on April 2024. [14]
The Latter Day Saints believe that after the Jews build the Third Temple, Christ will return and they will accept him as the Messiah. The Church of Christ, a denomination of the LDS, own the Temple Lot in Independence Missouri, which is supposed to function as Christ’s additional temple in the Western Hemisphere. [22]
The Temple
“This is the center of the world, where Abraham offered up his son Isaac, where King David purchased land and where his son Solomon built the First Temple. It is also where Jesus cleansed the Temple and a poor widow gave an offering of two copper coins that Jesus said was greater than all the most extravagant donations.” [21]
For a more in depth look at the interpretation of biblical prophecies, and how it connects to past political events (which is beyond the scope of this article), go to the following citation. [21]